Membership in LCWR is open to Roman Catholic women religious who are the principal administrators of their religious institutes (orders) in the United States. Membership is renewable on an annual basis. LCWR membership covers one calendar year (January 1 -- December 31). The dues structure for LCWR membership is based on a base rate plus a fee for congregational census. Each congregation and/or congregational unit is assessed based on its census of the previous year.
Current members and associates of LCWR can obtain the forms to renew membership in the LCWR Members Information section (password-protected area) of the website.
If you wish to inquire about membership or associate membership in LCWR please contact the National Office at nationaloffice@lcwr.org or call 301-588-4955.
Members receive many benefits including:
- the monthly LCWR newsletter, Update
- the LCWR journal, Occasional Papers
- the LCWR journal, Reflection Book
- the quarterly publication, Resolutions to Action
- attendance at the annual assembly
- inclusion in the LCWR messaging system (Constant Contact) for immediate updates
- access to the LCWR website, including a password-protected area for members
- access to the LCWR Resource Sharing Forum
- timely written communication regarding issues important to leaders of religious congregations
- an e-mail contact list for justice and peace alerts
- representation as an organization of women religious leaders on many Catholic church, healthcare and justice working groups.
In addition, the conference offers a variety of activities and programs to support leaders and to strengthen the relationship of LCWR members with other significant groups. Some examples are:
- an annual workshop for new leaders
- an annual retreat for leaders
- availability of Leading from Within, a manual for leaders to use in developing their leadership skills through group supervision and/or one-on-one mentoring
- the annual trip to Rome during which the LCWR delegation engages significant Vatican offices in conversation about issues of concern to women religious in the United States .
If you wish to inquire about membership or associate membership in LCWR please contact the National Office at nationaloffice@lcwr.org or call 301-588-4955 .
Religious institutes are asked to keep the LCWR national office informed of changes in membership information by utilizing the "Change of Leadership Form" found in LCWR Membership Information section in the password-protected area.
Associate Membership
This status is available to congregational leaders who reside outside of the United States , to prioresses of contemplative communities of sisters, and to major offices of related national organizations.
Anyone can become an LCWR subscriber. Subscribers receive the LCWR journal, Occasional Papers; the LCWR reflection booklet; the social justice publication, Resolutions to Action; and the monthly newsletter, Update.