Description: Below you will find a series of documents. Each document explores a different aspect of leadership and the way in which attentiveness to contemplative engagement can assist you in living this particular aspect of leadership in a practical way. The documents are formatted so that they can be easily saved, printed out, or duplicated.
The Content and Format: Each of the offerings contains
- both information and inspiration
- some suggestions for personal reflection
- an invitation to communal, contemplative dialogue with a suggested focus for the dialogue
- one or two practices to enhance your contemplative engagement during the month ahead
- possibly one or more links to additional resources if you wish to explore them
Concluding Comment: The way in which one embraces contemplative engagement is not a “one size fits all reality.” There are no right or wrong ways to attend to the synergy of the contemplative and active dimensions of our lives. It is our hope that this resource will be helpful to you however it takes shape for you and that it will also be something that can be shared with team members, in deepening groups, with community members, colleagues, and associates.