[April 19, 2006] The National Board of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) stands in solidarity with immigrant sisters and brothers who seek comprehensive immigration reform in this country.  As a member of the Justice for Immigrants Campaign of the USCCB (United States Catholic Conference of Bishops), LCWR promotes legislation that includes family reunification, a path to earned legalization, worker protections and an effective border policy that is humane rather than punitive.

 The members of LCWR represent approximately 70,000 Catholic sisters in the United States, some of whom are themselves immigrants, and some of whom work closely with immigrant populations.  Women religious believe and teach the Catholic social tradition based on human life and human dignity of all persons.  This tradition includes the biblical mandate of welcoming the stranger.  Since 1985, during annual assemblies, LCWR members have approved 11 different  resolutions focused on solidarity with refugees, immigrants, or victims of human trafficking and have committed themselves to specific actions including education, advocacy, outreach, prayer and fasting.  At this time, LCWR stands with immigrants, the Catholic bishops, and all those who work for legislation that ensures comprehensive immigration reform in the United States.