Extraordinary acts are required of those in leadership during the time of this pandemic. LCWR offers some resources on leading during a time of crisis that might be helpful.
Practices for Coping During the Pandemic -- Lynn M. Levo, CSJ -- A collection of coping practices created for women religious leaders and members. Includes suggestions for how leadership teams may use the resources themselves, as well as share them with their members.
Article: "Leadership in Times of Crisis" by Prudence Bushnell -- A reflection by the United States ambassador to Kenya at the time of bombing of the US embassy in Nairobi and what she learned about leadership during that experience (Article may be downloaded as a PDF below as well)
- Guidelines for Religious Communities for Psychological Care -- A guide prepared by the Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid with instructions for the psychological and spiritual well-being of religious communities during the time of quarantine.
- "That Discomfort You're Feeling is Grief" by Scott Berinato-- an article on the grief we are experiencing during the pandemic, published in the Harvard Business Review
Additional resources will be added.