When a wise woman leads, she calls a circle together and makes a place for stories to be shared, hopes to be uttered, and revelations to unfold.
When a wise woman leads, she leads from stillness-where she has gathered herself, mined her experience for its insight, and turned her wisdom into story.
When a wise woman leads, she listens to the voice and hears the spirit.
she steps up and out, even when the path ahead is rugged or unclear.
When a wise woman leads, she dares to be vulnerable,
dares to be real, dares to speak from a place of unknowing.
When a wise woman leads, the experience of the journey
is as important as the arriving.
When a wise woman leads, she thinks with her head,
ponders with her heart, decides with her soul.
When a wise woman leads, she knows when to leave,
when to let go, and when to push on.
When a wise woman leads, she speaks with the intensity of fire, the freshness of air,
the groundedness of earth, and the depth of the sea.
When a wise woman leads, she bears witness to our oneness,
and chooses what is best for the common good.
She is a tempest against injustice, a torrent of hopefulness,
a wellspring of wisdom.
She leads for the benefit of every sentient being,
that life will be sustained, that well-being will prevail,
that goodness will shine over all our days. -- Jan Phillips, 2015