The recorded webinar below provides valuable and practical information to assist religious institutes in legacy planning for their archives. The webinar presenters, who are from the National Archives Project for Women Religious are: Ginger Downey, OLVM; Susan Durkin, OSU; and Ellen Pierce, archival consultant.
The National Archives Project for Women Religious is an initiative that offers many possibilities for religious institutes as they address the concerns about their archives. Here is a brief description of this effort:
THE MISSION of the National Archives Project for Women Religious (NAP|WR), in partnership with congregational leaders and archive professionals, is both urgent and necessary to collect and preserve in perpetuity the recorded history and artifacts of congregations of women religious in the United States.
THE VISION for the National Archives Project for congregations of women religious is that it will be guided by a cooperative structure among congregations, repositories, and archive centers, linked together and accessible through a shared technology platform, and sustainably funded to ensure the proper care of the histories, legacies, and stories of pioneering women who have shaped Catholic life and American culture.
Regardless of where a congregation is on its journey, creating a long-term archival plan for sustainability and preservation of the institute's legacy is vital.