Thinking Like a Mountain
by Marcia Allen, CSJ -- LCWR President
Once a long time ago I was intrigued by Thinking Like a Mountain: Toward a Council of All Beings, a book by John Seed, Johanna Macy, et al published in 1988. I went around for several years trying to think like a mountain, like a bee, like a snake, like a tree, like a fresh running stream, like a cloud, like the earth in my garden, like the garden itself. I held several councils of all beings with retreatants, workshop participants, and my local community. Basically, I can say that it was an idea ahead of its time. Although I had always had an affection for the things of the natural world and loved to be out hiking and camping among them, I’m not sure that I actually ever got the point: that these things are creatures – not to be used, but as themselves, subjects with whom to be in relationship. The encyclical, Laudato Si’ has once more called me to consider thinking like a mountain. Read entire reflection by downloading the newsletter below.