'There is Always Light'
by Elise D. García, OP — LCWR President
As our nation transitions to a new administration, with its breath of fresh air, and the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, I am hanging on to Jeremiah’s promise of a future full of hope.
Last week we had our annual congregational leadership retreat. Instead of gathering in a circle by the fireplace at a retreat center in the snow-covered woods of Michigan, we gathered in the Hollywood Squares of virtual Zoom conferencing, each leader in her own space in different parts of the country. This scene is all too familiar to us, as we circle round the clock to this time last year when we were just learning about a novel virus striking people in an unfamiliar and seemingly remote part of China.
Little did we know that within two months, the virus would steal through the pathways of our global interconnectedness and lockdown the world, utterly shifting our way of leading and being with one another. (To continue reading, download PDF of newsletter below)