A Season for Jubilee
by Teresa Maya, CCVI -- LCWR President
This year I had the blessing of experiencing three jubilee celebrations in one week. Watching our jubilarians line up at the back of the chapel, stretching to see where their families had settled, arranging their corsages, smiling, just beaming, I wondered, why are they so joyful? What is it about jubilee that makes us truly jubilant? We may not use the jubilee china any more, and yet it never fails; year after year, the smiles, the corsages, the energy fills our hearts. Why?
One of the jubilees I attended was for another community. A lifelong Dominican sister friend invited me and I had to go. On my way there, in between my two congregational jubilees, I realized I was going to the community where my journey into religious life started. This time as “jubilee guest,” I understood jubilees from a different angle: I was there to give them thanks for what they had done for me, for the education of my entire family. In one amazing moment, I finally realized that gratitude was the soul of the joy in jubilee. Continue reading by downloading the newsletter below.