by Margaret Alandt, IHM and Pat McCluskey, IHM
During the course of the 2016 LCWR assembly in Atlanta, Embracing the Mystery: Living Transformation, we, the members of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, affirmed a resolution committing
ourselves to examine the root causes of injustice, particularly racism, and our own complicity as congregations, and to work to effect systemic change . . . and We pledge prayer, education, and advocacy and commit to using our collective voice, resources, and power in collaboration with others to establish justice which reflects God’s abundant love and desire that all may have life.
This set the context for what was to become a powerfully moving moment as we listened to Dr. Shannon Dee Williams provide an overview on the history of racism and US religious life.
The pain and discrimination suffered by women of color who joined religious congregations in this country became a palpably present truth which could not be denied. The words of one of the responders, Dawn Tomazewski, SP, resounded in our hearts: “. . . not only does our country need healing but also our congregations. I want to make amends with these women; I need to make amends with these women.” Download the PDF below to continue reading