The Lord is Risen, Indeed
by Carol Zinn, SSJ -- LCWR Executive Director
As I sit at my computer committing these reflections to paper, the most recent event that has changed our world forever swirls in my body, mind, heart, spirit, and soul. I sit in solitary thought and solidarity of thought. I pray my personal prayer and our public prayer. I wait for individual return to freedom of movement and communal movement in freedom. I welcome virtual connectivity and long for real time/space human interaction. Yes, the most recent event that has changed our world forever swirls in my body, mind, heart, spirit, and soul. I imagine we meet one another in that swirl several times each day.
And I ask myself: Which event? Which event that has changed our world forever? Which event swirls within, around and beyond me/us? COVID-19 or Easter or a combination of both?
Between this newsletter and the next one, our global, national, ecclesial, civil, and religious life worlds seemed poised for unprecedented upheaval whether we resist or receive it. By the next newsletter we will have embraced or denied how we choose to reframe and recreate our lives. And hopefully we will have discerned our way into the first steps towards a future none of us could have imagined. Yes, there are life-changing choices to be made because life-changing events have taken hold of us. (to continue reading, download the PDF document below)