In 2016 the LCWR membership issued a call to recognize racism as a systemic, structural cause underlying and contributing to the multiple situations of injustice identified in the LCWR Call. At the 2016 LCWR assembly, the members amended the 2015 resolution to reflect this awareness. The amended resolution was passed and reads as follows.
Grounded in our belief that action on behalf of justice is a constitutive element of the Gospel, we, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, affirm the interrelatedness of the justice concerns addressed by our recent assembly resolutions. Following in the footsteps of Jesus, we commit ourselves to examine the root causes of injustice, particularly racism, and our own complicity as congregations, and to work to effect systemic change as we struggle to establish economic justice, abolish modern-day slavery, ensure immigrant rights, promote nonviolence, and protect Earth and its biosphere. We pledge prayer, education, and advocacy and commit to using our collective voice, resources, and power in collaboration with others to establish justice which reflects God’s abundant love and desire that all may have life.
LCWR has a long history of action for justice. We are committed to contemplative listening to the signs of our times and compassionate response to the thirst of the world for integrity and communion. This resolution builds on the work undertaken in response to the calls of previous assemblies and is consistent with the LCWR Call for 2015-2022.
1. LCWR members are encouraged to address the root causes of injustice as well as our own complicity as congregations and to urge their social justice promoters to coordinate communication, share resources, and act in collaboration with other justice groups in their region. Congregations are encouraged to use the contemplative process and social analysis to gain a deeper understanding of the interrelated systemic causes of the justice issues addressed by resolutions from past years.
2. Regions are encouraged to engage in conversation around an identified local, regional, national, or global concern and to examine its effects, explore its underlying causes, formulate a common response and report on strategic initiatives taken in pursuit of justice.
For the years 2015-2018 the Global Concerns Committee will provide resources to the regions to facilitate the implementation of this resolution.