We live in a world increasingly marked by hatred, brutality, and violent conflict. We see our own country threatened by increasing disparities in economic, political, and social power. We are caught in a political system paralyzed by ideological extremism and hyper-partisanship. Those on both sides of the growing political divide too often appeal to our basest instincts and stoke the fires of fear that threaten to tear the fabric of our democracy apart. We cannot let the voices of hatred and fear carry the day.
We know there is a better way. We know that it is possible to enter into dialogue that centers the dignity of all people even those with whom we disagree. We know it is possible to listen and learn from those who are different from ourselves. We know that it is possible to love and respect those who hold political beliefs and policy positions unlike our own. We know that it is not only possible, but essential that we engage deeply, honestly and respectfully in healing our democracy.
As women religious and believers in the abundant love of God for all, we are called to bring our faith and our voices to the public square. We hear clearly the call to take our message of justice for all and healing for our nation to the very heart of our democracy. We believe that LCWR’s challenge to contemplative dialogue, deep listening and mutual respect are the prophetic actions that we can offer in these difficult days.
We call on citizens and elected officials to address the critical challenges facing the democratic systems of our nation by: